Why Does My Dog Sit Behind Me? (15 Reason)

Since it seemed my dog always liked to sit behind me, I decided to figure out why. So let’s look at how dogs see the world, what they think about when you’re trying to walk with them, and why they often seem to like sitting behind their humans.

Dog vision is somewhat different from our own – dogs don’t have any visible signs of eyelids or irises, so their eyes are often described as being masked, shiny in some cases, or deep-set. In this article, I have answered why does my dog sit behind me. Let’s take a look inside.

Why Does My Dog Sit Behind Me?

Dogs have various eye shapes and sizes, but they all share several things. Here are some of the common reasons:

They’re Shy

All these combined mean that sight is deplorable in dogs, and they must get close to see things. Dogs don’t see like humans, so they don’t see the world the same way and can’t understand how to use the landscape or maneuver around it.

Dogs are not particularly interested in people as such, although some may have an affinity for one person more than another. They are far more interested in other animals, especially other dogs.

To Be Close To You

why dogs like to sit behind you

It goes a long way toward explaining why dogs like to sit behind you. The most important part of a dog’s life is being close to its pack mates and in the same vicinity as its family members, so if your dog likes to sit behind you, it may just be that he wants to be part of the group.

They’re Being Protective

Dogs have a natural pack instinct, which means they instinctively protect their family and packmates. If you restrict your dog from walking closely behind you, it may feel like you’re keeping it from its packmates.

They’re Being Loyal

Dogs are also very loyal to their family – perhaps not for the same reason, we might feel loyal to people. Many dogs look up to their pack leader and may want to be close to them to learn how to lead their group.

They Feel Safe There

Dogs are cautious and nervous animals and feel safer in a group. If your dog likes to sit behind you, it may feel safe. Because it can see the world moving past. Dogs have a natural tendency to be wary of strange things. So if there’s something new in their environment, they’ll want to keep an eye on it.

You may read – Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere Even To The Bathroom

It’s Their Spot

For many dogs, that spot behind you may feel quite extraordinary. It may be the one place where it feels most genuinely at home. Its territory, over which it has complete control. So it wants to make sure that this spot is well protected.

For The Warmth

Dogs are always looking for ways to get warm, and sitting behind the leader of the pack allows them to gather in warmth and prevent themselves from losing heat.

They Feel Anxious

Some dogs feel anxious and vulnerable when separated from their packmates and may develop separation anxiety if left alone for too long. The pack leader will often keep an eye on the rest of the group while they’re moving around – this helps keep them safe and means that the group is never separated. Dogs sitting behind you may be doing it because they feel anxious or curious about what’s happening around them.

They’re Annoyed

If your dog sits behind you and keeps pushing its head into your leg, it may be annoyed at being stepped on! Maybe it’s feeling annoyed because you’re constantly squashing it?


If your dog sits behind you and alternately fixes you with a surprised expression, stares at a spot in the distance, or even growls, it may be trying to intimidate the people moving around it. Why? Because its head is more significant than everyone else’s, and it can see them better – so if your dog is standing with its head low like this and staring at someone who’s walking past, that person will feel quite vulnerable as they walk past.

They Need Some Alone Time

If your dog sits behind you non-stop, it may want some alone time. If a dog is always looking at another person’s back, it may be anxious about the proximity and closeness of other dogs and people.

You’re Encouraging Them

If you walk your dog all the time, it may get the impression that you’re encouraging it to follow you. If a dog feels you intend to keep it close, it may just do it out of habit.

You’re Interfering With Their Natural Behavior

If someone is constantly following a dog or feeling anxious, it may feel lost and confusing. If a dog is allowed to take its place in the “pack,” this may help keep its natural urge for closeness under control – naturally, dogs want to be close to other dogs and humans.

They’re Not Feeling Well

If your dog feels unwell, it may be more nervous than usual. At the same time, walk with your dog and keep it at the back of the group. You may be worrying or unsettling your dog, which might push its head into your leg as a sign that you need to move away.

Hearing As Well As Smell

Dogs also have excellent hearing and can pick up sounds on the wind, so they often stand with their head pointed in the direction they’re interested in hearing. If you’re out walking with your dog, look at how they position themselves – they’ll always be listening to something with their head pointed that way.

Final Words

Getting a dog to sit at your heel can be challenging, but if you make an effort, it can be beneficial. After reading this article, I am sure you got your answer to why does my dog sit behind me!

The key is to make sure that your dog isn’t able to walk anywhere except behind you, which means that they won’t have any other choice. In time, this will become a habit for both of you and help build a stronger bond between you.

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