quick dog training tips

3 Quick Dog Training Tips You Might Not Know That Actually Work

There are several people out there who struggle with training their dogs. In spite of trying various different tricks from several training guides and books, people yet tend to have difficulty in taming the animal.

Well, the problem here is on the tiny details that everyone tends to miss about the dog’s behavior due to which one cannot achieve that bond easily. But there is a solution to that as well.

Training the dog is a very crucial and sensitive process. Dogs are sensitive animals and have some inherent behavior that you need to understand if you want to bring it to control.

But the question here is, how to?

We have come up with these spectacular tips to help you with the basic yet very uncommon factors of training the dog. If you acknowledge these tips well and practice them you can sure see an improvement.

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So without further due, let’s have a look.

3 Essential Quick Tips For Dog Training

Act like a military leader

If you are a new dog owner, you will often see your dog challenging you in every possible way it can which makes the training process so much difficult. The mistake you make here is giving up to the dogs challenge and allowing it to continue the act.

Never do that.

Dogs are those animals that live in packs. They have a leader to follow. So it is their inherent nature to challenge each other in order to establish leadership and control and the one who fails to do so are the submissive.

Your dog is trying to do the same with you, challenging you to see if you have the ability to take control. They need to be able to trust you for their survival. So in spite of allowing and encouraging their anxious behavior, try to give them feedback, negative or positive. Try to gain your foothold and be the commander and act like one. You will soon see that your dog will trust you better and be much calm and manageable.

Give the dog some free time

Just like you wouldn’t like to be in a confined place all day round, the same goes for the dogs. You need to set them free so that they can burn some energy. Dogs are packed with energy which gets bottled up if you don’t allow them free time. Taking it out for a walk will not do. Let is free of the leash and let is play around and run in the park or backyard. You will see the dog’s mood will be much calm and you can train it better that way.

Try to avoid fancy leashes and only use the normal ones

The leash is a very important tool for interacting with the dog and controlling it. the fancy harness style leashes sit on the strong part of the dog’s chest which can empower them over you plus they are not good for communication. So stick to the basic collar leashes which are great to control the dog as well as communicating with it.


The dog can be the dearest friend that you desire if you can successfully train it. There are many people you face troubles with their dog and often gives up in the midway of the training process. Try to give these tips a try and you can definitely see a change.

Author Bio

Jeremy grew up in in a house full of dogs, a cat and even rabbits. He recently decided to share his advice and opinions on his very own pet blog BestDogFood.com.