Games for Your Cat

Games For Your Cat

Have you ever had a cat? You surely know how to take care of a bit of a kitty and an adult feline. Proper nutrition, physical and mental health, dental care, and other things are inevitable for pet parents, who strive for their furry children to be safe, comfortable, and protected. However, your love and care should not be limited to a well-balanced diet and physical activities. 

Additionally, a pet owner should remember that the animal requires much time, attention, and affection. Thus, the kitty will not appreciate the time you spend counting calories in the cat food calculator, but it will surely value each moment you devote to an interesting game or entertainment.

Generally, playing games with a cat is a significant part of the daily routine. It is the best way to enrich the pet’s life, strengthen its body, and keep its mind calm and active. Additionally, a quality game can reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions your animal has when you are away. 

If you have no idea how to spend quality time with your pet, here are some games that will advance each experience to a completely new level.

  • Online games. Yes, you have read right. With the constant development of the online market, pet owners have got a unique chance to keep kittens entertained online. The number of apps you can download on your tablet is constantly growing, which means your pet will never be bored. Just browse the web and read reviews of experienced fluffy friend owners to get the best option, which will attract and impress your cat.
  • Interactive puzzle. The overwhelming majority of pet owners aim at the mental and physical development of their kittens, even during playtime. Therefore, they focus on interactive games that require thinking and attention. Fortunately, there is an unlimited number of DIV games that will meet your preferences and requirements. The interactive puzzle is one of such alternatives, so you will just need a craft knife and a shoebox to create the toy that will please your kitten. Cut several holes in the shoebox and put different toys, treats, and other items inside so that your cat should find a way to take them off.
  • Feather and string. It is a classic game all kittens adore. A little feather and a string will be enough to keep your pet busy for as long as you need. Besides, it is an exceptional opportunity to get rid of the excessive energy and enthusiasm your fluffy friend has. You can either purchase this toy or do it yourself, the result will be the same. Your cat will jump, bounce and run fast to catch the feather. An important note: it is advised to play this game in a big room without any fragile objects.
  • Chase the prey. If you have ever spent some time watching your kitten playing, you could have noticed that it loves to chase people, things, and other animals. In fact, it is one of the instincts cats have, so why don’t you turn it into a fun experience? This happens above all with lizards that are among the preys cat’s preferred ones. While sometimes it’s not safe because cats may eat lizards, and lizards are mildly toxic – in, a resource on reptiles, you’ll find different ways to prevent your cat from hunting lizards. For example, toys!  Any toy is suitable for the game, as your main task is to simulate the movement of the prey. Drag the object across the ground, make pauses and let your furry friend chase it. The process will be entertaining both for you and a kitten, as you will be excited to watch your pet stalk and pounce, trying to catch the toy.
  • Catnip game. To tell the truth, it is the simplest and the fastest way to keep your kitten busy and entertained. What you need to do is to purchase a special toy that is stuffed with a catnip. If you have time, you can create a similar item on your own, putting the natural herb into the ball, for example. Nonetheless, it is critical to remember that not all cats are excited about the catnip, so do not get disappointed if the plan doesn’t work out.
  • Fetch. While the overwhelming majority of pet owners consider fetching to be a dog game only, kitten parents know how funny and exciting this game is for cats. Just toss a toy and watch your kitten run to grab it. It is inevitable to choose a suitable toy, which can be easily thrown across the room and convenient for your cat to carry.
  • Paper bag. It is not even a game, but rather an interesting fact about cats. There is hardly any kitten that is indifferent to paper boxes. The vast majority of pets strive to get in one right the moment it appears at the doorstep. This is an impressive option for cat owners who have a limited budget but are still eager to keep the fluffy friend engaged.
  • Outside walk. While several years ago it was weird to see the cat on the leash, now it is becoming quite common. Walking the cat is one of the best ways to keep it healthy, happy, and excited.