How to Choose the Right Dog Harness for Terriers

How To Choose The Right Dog Harness For Terriers

Whether you are traveling, hiking, or assisting your dog in walking, you will require a harness.

Terriers are a family of dogs who are known for being energetic. They were bred to hunt, and they are therefore independent and like to run around.

Like any dog, Terriers get distracted easily by the things they see outside while walking. Their curiosity will lead them to explore places. They might be walking with you, and the next minute they are running around. To have full control of their movement, you will need a harness.

A harness should bring the dog in your direction when he or she tries to pull away. The following are some tips that can help you choose the right dog harness for te​rriers

  • Measurements

The right measurements will lead you to the right harness your Terrier will love. To get the correct measurements, you will need to measure your dog. Put your dog on a flat surface. Your dog should be in an upright position.

  • Neck

Use a tape measure to get the circumference of the neck. Loop it above the chest and in front of the withers when measuring the neck. The withers are located above the shoulder blades where the neck and the back meet.

  • Chest

For chest measurements, loop the tape measure below the withers. Measure the deepest part behind the front legs to get the correct measurements

  • Back

Measure from the base of the neck down to the base of the tail.

With the right measurements, finding a harness that fits is an easy task. A good harness should be able to fit, use two fingers to test. If your two fingers can snuggly fit between the harness, then that’s a perfect choice. One that is too tight will irritate the skin of your dog. The harness should not be too tight or too loose.

Type of harness

choosing the Right Dog Harness for Terriers

A harness is meant to distribute pressure on a large area on the body of the dog. It should not choke the dog or make it uncomfortable. Harnesses come in a variety of sizes and types. There are so many options to choose from, depending on the needs of your dog. Here is a list of the different types to choose from.

1. Front clip harness

Front Clip harness is recommended if your Terrier likes to pull a lot. These types of harnesses have the D-rings attached in the front. They provide great control over your dog and pull the dog in your direction. Front Clip harnesses are easy to fit on your dog and remove as well.

However, they should not be left for long hours on your dog.

When left for long hours, they will bring stress to the front legs. It can also lead to destructive behavior when left for long. This is not the right choice for your Terrier if you are planning to travel with your dog. They are not fit for travel and sporting activities. They are likely to detangle around the legs. They are the best, though, for adult dogs.

2. Back clip harness

Unlike front clips, a back clip harness has the D-ring at the back of the dog. These types of harnesses are great for your small Terrier. They can be worn all the time without worrying if it stays for longer hours or not. They are the best harness to choose from for car rides with your pet. They are recommended for training and are also ideal for sporting activities.

However, it’s not recommended for dogs that pull. Even the smallest Terrier will still pull greatly, and these harnesses don’t prevent pulling. Even though they might seem easy to fit or remove, good training will make you love them. Attach them on the car seat cover to keep your dog safe from falling in case of an emergency break.

3. Harness with dual clip

Dual clip harnesses have the D-rings attached both at the front and back. They are pretty expensive but worth it. The leash can attach to both sides of the harness. They will give you maximum control of your Terrier. It’s great for dogs who pull, and it can be used for any activity. Whether you need to walk your dog, travel with it, or run together, this the best one to choose from.

4. Dog lifting harness

This harness is recommended for dogs who are aging, injured or have health issues. Dogs who are disabled will need this. They help with the process of recovery and will provide support. It provides mobility assistance when walking your dog or lifting him or her from the car. They can also be used when your dog needs to climb the staircases. They support the front and the backside body of the dog. The protective pads that are attached to them provide comfort to the private parts of the male dog. It won’t hurt the dog.

5. Head halters

These types of harnesses are ideal for adult dogs who pull aggressively. It has straps around the neck, and the D-ring is located under the chin for attaching the leash to the harness. It makes the nose of the dog move down towards the direction you are pulling from. It’s comfortable and suitable for adult dogs. Make sure you pull gently to avoid injuring your dog accidentally.


When choosing a harness, considering the type of material it’s made of is vital. A bad choice of material will lead to skin irritations. A good fabric should not cause allergic reactions to your dog. Synthetic materials are great for harnesses that are for small dogs. Good synthetic materials are like nylon. They barely irritate the skin.

For adult dogs, consider getting a harness made with leather material. They are durable and will last longer, no matter how your dog pulls. Make sure to get a comfortable material that is also easy to wash. Something you can hand washes or wash in the machine.


Choosing the right harness is easy, depending on the size of your dog. These tips will ease your next purchase. Opt for a customized harness with the details of the dog in case your dog gets lost. Make hiking, sports, or traveling enjoyable and comfortable for your Terrier with a harness.