When a cat dies, especially if it is older, its owner may be at a loss as to what to do. This blog post will outline the steps to take when a cat dies, whether it is natural or from another cause. It will also provide tips on how to cope with the loss of a pet cat.
What Natural Causes Do Cats Die From?
The first thing to do is to check for any visible signs of injury or illness. If the cat seems to have died from a natural cause, there will likely be no visible signs of injury or illness.

5 Signs Your Cat Is Dying
- Lack of Interest In Eating and Drinking. Like other animals, it’s common for cats to lose their appetite toward the end of their lives.
- Extreme Weakness.
- Lower Body Temperature.
- Changes in Appearance and Smell.
- Seeking Solitude.
If the cat has passed away due to an accident or disease, there may be some external evidence that can help you determine what happened.
Either way, it is important to take the time to examine your pet and try to determine the cause of death before taking any further action.
Once you have determined that the cat has indeed died, the next step is to contact your veterinarian. If the death was due to natural causes, your vet will likely just need your cat’s medical records in order to provide a cause of death on their death certificate.
If the death was caused by an accident or disease, your vet will need to perform a necropsy in order to determine the exact cause of death.
This is important information to have, both for your own peace of mind and in case there is anything you can do to prevent future tragedies.
After you have taken care of the practicalities, it is time to start dealing with the emotional fallout of losing a pet. This can be a difficult and trying time, but there are some things that you can do to help yourself cope.
What to do after your cats passed away?
First, try to remember all of the good times you had with your cat. cherish memories and think about all of the joy that your furry friend brought into your life.
Secondly, reach out to your friends and family for support. They may not be able to fully understand what you are going through, but they can offer a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.
Finally, consider getting another cat if you feel ready. This may not be the right decision for everyone, but it can help some people to fill the void that their previous pet has left behind.
What do cats do right before they die?
There’s no one answer to this question since cats can die for a variety of reasons, but in general, cats might do one or more of the following shortly before they die:
-They might become very quiet and withdrawn
-They might stop eating or drinking water
-Their coat might lose its luster or they may start shedding more than usual
-They may start having trouble going to the bathroom or they may stop producing urine and feces altogether
-They may start to pant or breathe heavily
-Their heartbeat and respiration might become erratic
-They might collapse and become unresponsive.
If you notice any of these signs in your cat, it’s important to take them to the vet immediately as they could be indicative of a serious medical condition.
What to expect when a cat dies naturally?
When a cat dies naturally, their body will start to decompose. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the condition of the cat’s body and the environment in which it is found.
The first signs that a cat has died naturally are usually stiffness and discoloration in the muscles. The skin may also start to loosen from the body due to decomposition. As decomposition progresses, the body will start to produce gases which will cause the abdomen to bloat. The cat’s eyes may also start to bulge as a result of the gas production.
In most cases, wild animals will scavenge the remains of a cat that has died naturally, so there may not be much left to bury. If you do find the body of your cat, it is best to bury it as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease.
How to deal with the death of a pet cat?
If you are feeling sad or struggling after your cat’s death, it is normal. Here are some tips to help you cope:
-Talk to someone about your feelings, whether it is a friend, family member, or therapist.
-Write down your thoughts and memories about your cat in a journal.
-Create a memorial for your cat, whether it is a physical space or online.
-Do something to honor your cat’s memory, such as planting a tree in their name.
It is also important to give yourself time to grieve. There is no right or wrong way to feel after losing a pet.
What it like when a cat dies naturally?
When a cat dies naturally, it’s usually a peaceful process. The cat will usually become very lethargic and quiet, and may refuse to eat or drink. You may also notice that the cat’s pupils are dilated and that there is froth around the mouth.
In the end stages of natural death, the cat will often curl up in a quiet spot and fall asleep. There may be some muscle twitching as the body relaxes, but death will usually be peaceful and without pain. It’s important to let nature take its course when a cat is dying naturally, as there is usually nothing that can be done to save the animal at this point.
What happens when your cat dies at home?
If your cat dies at home, you will need to remove the body and bury it in your backyard. You may want to say a few words over the grave, or you may simply want to remember your cat in your own way. Regardless, burying your cat yourself can be a very therapeutic experience.
Should you let a cat die naturally?
The answer to this question depends on your personal beliefs. Some people may feel that it is morally wrong to euthanize a cat, even if the cat is suffering, while others may believe that putting the cat down is the most humane thing to do. Ultimately, the decision is up to you.
Conclusion: What happens when a cat dies naturally? The cat will become irritable and withdrawn, bouts of unprovoked aggression may appear, the cat’s hunger will change, and it will spend more time hiding or becoming clingy as it becomes afraid.
Other indications of hyperthermia include rapid breathing, epileptic fits, decreased body temperature levels, and a dirty appearance.