Author: Mike Stiven
6 Benefits of Robotic Pets For Seniors
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10 Best Cat Litter for Multiple Cats : Expert Reviews and Guide
Cats make great companions. Just like other pets, you need to buy several pet supplies to ensure that your cat is comfortable and enjoys the right facilities like best cat food and automatic cat feeders, among others. Investing in the Best Cat Litter for Multiple Cats can be a great idea to help you deal…
Feliway vs Comfort Zone Review
Are you a cat owner? Well, there is a considerable chance that you’ve heard of either Feliway or Comfort Zone. But if you don’t know what these are and you own a cat, I will give you the answer. Feliway and Comfort Zone are products that help calm cats. They mimic a chemical emitted by…
The 10 Best Wireless Dog Fences & Reviews (Updated List) – Buyer’s Guide
Dogs like roaming and exploring the environment around them. Just like cats, dogs are also curious and sometimes rebellious. So, how do you keep your dog safe and prevent them from wondering? Well, while you can choose to keep your dog coped all day long, this is not the best solution. Dogs need to play…
Best Bike Carrier for Dogs & Cats of 2022
Are you a bike owner and a proud parent of a dog or cat? Do you like taking your pup for a ride? If the answer is yes, you will be pleased to know that you do not need a dog bike leash but a right bike carrier. Bike carriers are quite famous and provide…
Why Do Cats Pant in the Car?
Cats owners ask this question a lot, why do cats pant in the car? The thing is, cats do not like travelling by car, and most times, they may become distressed and even aggressive during a car ride. Expect a cat to hiss, scratch, yowl, and bolt, but what makes cats pant in the car,…
How to Calm Down a Cat in the Car
Generally, cats don’t like to travel by car, and in this post, you will get tips on how to calm down a cat in the car while going to visit the veterinarian’s office, or going on a long journey. If you know how to calm a cat down on a car ride, your trip will…
Husky Lifespan – How Long Do Huskies Live?
How long do huskies live? How long do they play? Are questions most owners of huskies ask because huskies are loyal, and they kept wondering how long they will stay by their side. The Siberian Husky is a well-known working-dog breed, and like any other breeds in the working group, it is intelligent and a…
5 Products to Improve Elderly Dog Comfort
We all get to the point where a loving pet starts getting elderly and uncomfortable. Whether they have arthritis, bad eyesight, or sore muscles it is always sad to watch your cherished friend grow old. Luckily there are plenty of products out there to help improve your elderly dog’s everyday comfort. These excellent pet products…
Best Cat Food for Hairballs Prevention & Vomiting -Reviews and Buying Guide
As a cat owner, the last thing that you want to experience is hairballs. Not only is this a bad encounter for you since you have to clean it but also bad for your cat. Hairballs form when cats are grooming and this is common to cats that have short fur. Since you cannot change…
How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog With Fleas?
Sometimes, regardless of how much care you take of your dog, fleas will always find a way to trouble your lovely pooch. All that playing around outside and socializing with other dogs mean the odds of your dog contracting fleas at one point or another is very high.In this article you will get all the…
How To Train A German Shepherd Puppy At Home
Who does not want a trained German shepherd will play around him or her. In general, German Shepard is loyal, lovable and adorable. Along with that, German Shepard is famous for its other attributes of character. They have courage, confidence, ability to quick learning command, and the ability to put their life on danger in…